We specialise in selling buy-to-let properties & HMOs
From £200K – £1,000,000+ Plus we solve all types of problems to ensure 95%+ of our sales complete.
We can sell properties with tenants in situ to other landlords or help tenants to relocate according to our seller landlords’ and their tenants’ wishes. We find solutions when relations between landlords and tenants have broken down to avoid lengthy delays and expensive court costs.
We sell portfolios as a whole and/or offer buyers the opportunity to buy selected properties from the portfolio.
Landlord sellers and landlord buyers love us because we are active throughout the sale and completion processes to ensure sales complete as fast as possible with minimal involvement from buyers and sellers.
In short, we get on with ensuring fast sales and smooth completions so new and practicing landlords can get on with their buy-to-let businesses while retiring landlords can start enjoying the rewards of their successes ASAP.
Our experts are getting Landlords the highest prices fast selling to cash buyers looking for investments with instant returns. We are selling:
- £1M blocks of self-contained flats and HMO’s
- £10M+ portfolios in London and South East
- Large portfolios of 50 – 100 properties and HMOs
Recent £1M+ portfolio sales:

Sold for £1,005,000
Sold in 24 days
98-100 Alexandra Road Farnborough
Seven bedsits/flats each side AND a self-contained flat with separate entrance behind each property. Two separate titles, and share a large car park for twenty cars behind. The rentals are thus SIXTEEN Units and yield, at full occupancy, £11,000 pcm , (£132,000 per annum).

Sold for £1,100,000
Sold in 15 days
22-24 Athelstan Road, Margate
Freehold Building housing 10 x 2 bedroom flats Market Valuation £1,400,000 Off Market Price -£1,100,000. The property is currently fully occupied and generating an income of £5720pcm (£68640 per annum) Call for more information or a viewing!

Sold for £1,165,000
Sold in 4 days
203-217 Mount Pleasant Road, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 3SS
12 x 2 bedroom flats with rental of £67,680 per annum being achieved.
(£5640pcm) 8 flats at £450pcm (elec only) 4 Flats £510pcm (Gas)
Alternatively, if you would like us to sell your buy-to-let or property portfolio, please call us on 01244 341066 or use our call back form. We will call you back ASAP in office hours so you can start planning your schedule and next venture with confidence.