Demand for properties is at an all-time high, and with the property market booming, now could be the perfect time to sell.
In the last month alone, demand for homes has increased by 13%, and we’ve had more than 200 landlords contact Landlord Sales Agency to sell their rental properties — you could be next!
We are not like other companies as we manage the entire sale for you. We can talk to tenants, make sure all your certifications are sorted, and get everything 100% compliant and ready for sale.
Best of all we can do it all in less than 28 days and for the best price.
If needed, we’ll even fund refurbishments to help get you a better price, depending on the property.
That’s exactly what we did for one landlord. After her tenants were evicted, they left her buy-to-let portfolio in poor condition.
She needed £40K for refurbishments but didn’t have the funds. Hoping to sell two properties for £125K each and another for £160K, she came to us for help.
We were so confident in selling her portfolio that we provided the money as an interest-free cash advance and organised the building teams. After refurbishments, the properties sold for £240K and £300K, earning her an additional £200K in profit after costs.
No matter the problem, our team is on hand to help and help landlords get the best possible price for their portfolio.
News on Property118 recently highlighted the long wait times for tenant evictions, and the situation is expected to worsen. Section 21 claims are set to reach unprecedented levels in 2025 as landlords rush to regain possession before the Renters’ Rights Bill bans this eviction route.
According to the Ministry of Justice, possession claims have surged sharply, reaching 32,287 last year — the highest since 2016.
Many of our clients come to us to avoid evicting their tenants where possible – not just because of the time it takes to process a Section 21 – but also because they want to look after their tenants’ interests. To prevent the need for eviction, we collect rent payment history and reference check information as well as property details. We work with the existing tenants and new buyers to negotiate new rents or help tenants relocate. We provide both financial assistance and help accessing external support from specialist agencies.
Landlord Sales Agency works with tenants through rewards and incentives to make the prospect of working with us rather than against us in tenants’ best interests and to avoid distressing and expensive legal action where possible.
As a result, sellers avoid long delays and tenants pay rent up to completion.
You won’t get a higher price for the service, and any company promising you 100% market value is hiding a huge list of costs that are going to come after the sale. That’s not the case with us. It’s what makes us different.
We’re a company founded by landlords for landlords, made up of the UK’s top portfolio exit specialists who know exactly what it takes to overcome all problems associated with selling buy-to-lets. We solve every single problem, no matter what it is.
Remember you don’t have to sell all your properties in one go. We can help landlords sell partial or entire portfolios in bulk for speed and convenience, or properties individually to secure the best possible price.
No matter how many houses you have, or in what condition, we’ll take them all off your hands, and get you the highest price for your portfolios in less than 28 days.
With demand for properties sky-rocketing and the Renters’ Rights Bill set to become law by summer — not to mention eviction wait times at an all-time high — now could be the perfect time to sell and get cash in the bank.
What are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.