A mass sell-off is currently underway in the landlord sector, and it only looks set to increase. EPC requirements, The Renters Rights Bill, mounting financial pressures, the list of reasons goes on.
No doubt you’ve seen the recent headlines, and if you’re a landlord yourself you’ll be forgiven for thinking that the worst is yet to come. In fact, the property market continues to deliver tough news for landlords, with recent proposals suggesting that evictions are just one of the issues that may become increasingly difficult.
Labour’s plans are ramping up, in what can only be described as the “final blow to landlords,” with measures that could prevent landlords from evicting tenants who fail to pay rent if doing so would leave them financially disadvantaged or homeless. While the full details are still being ironed out, many landlords are already feeling the pressure.
Shirley, a landlord from Scotland, who contacted portfolio exit specialists Landlord Sales Agency, said she had to get out because her landlord portfolio era was “over,” echoing the sentiments of an increasing number of landlords who are flooding in every week to sell off and get out.
There’s no denying that the current climate is a “Landlord exodus.” I’ve seen it, as the founder of Landlord Sales Agency, Landlords just can’t come to us fast enough. If we thought we were selling off a lot of portfolios last year, since Labour came in, the number of landlords wanting to sell is through the roof.
I’m one of them, I’m selling the majority of my portfolio, keeping only the best-performing properties.
Capital Gains Tax may also increase, with reports suggesting it might reach as high as 45%. With eviction options narrowing and tax burdens growing, landlords are left between a rock and a hard place—unable to sell or remove tenants. For many, the current climate is driving a major rethink of their investment strategies.
But where do you go if you’re a landlord and you want to sell? For private landlord Shirley, it was an obvious choice. She reached out to us at Landlord Sales Agency, who are unrivalled in our spot as the UK’s top company for selling landlord properties. We’ve got a ready-made team of dedicated experts who take on and manage your properties in bulk or individually from the moment you get in touch. For all the work, there’s also no major hit on price, as Shirley adds “I had to take a little bit of a cut, and that was fine by me because it meant that I wasn’t paying mortgages for 18 months while I was waiting for properties to sell, with tenants scared away.”
Landlord Sales Agency is the best option to help you sell quickly and for the price you want
Landlord Sales Agency aren’t just fast, we’ve developed several effective methods to help landlords get the highest prices possible, including helping tenants relocate voluntarily, which can enable landlords to sell their properties at a higher value. In addition, negotiating rent increases with tenants who can afford it can make a property attractive to investors seeking to buy with tenants in situ.
These strategies are successful and efficient, with over 50% of tenants agreeing to rent increases in exchange for staying. For landlords who face the challenge of evicting tenants, our agency’s eviction-sale process has a 100% success rate. For the most difficult situations, landlords can secure buyer deposits from buyers who don’t mind waiting up to 12 months for vacant possession, providing security and a higher price for the property. In short, selling through Landlord Sales Agency is a financial gamechanger.
What’s more, we have a vast buyer database of over 30,000 private buyers, including 1,000 cash buyers able to complete purchases within 28 days.
It really is a no-brainer; Landlord Sales Agency is the best option to help you sell quickly and for the price you want.
So whether you’re looking to sell fast or maximize your return, get in touch. It’s time to cash in, and get out.
Phone us now on 0800 6123694 or 01244 341066 any time 24/7 or use our callback form and we will phone you back to discuss your needs and our solutions.