Landlords face many problems, most relate to property and/or tenants however ongoing economic and legislative changes have added a lot more things for landlords to worry about. Shrinking returns, increased costs, more rules, more penalties and the prospect of fewer options to end tenancies have resulted in more and more landlords selling some or all of their rental properties.
Over the next 12 months 41% of landlords said they plan to sell at least some rental properties, compared to just six per cent saying they would buy
Why are landlords selling up?
Tax hikes: The UK government’s planned tax hikes are putting pressure on the buy-to-let market.
Rising costs: Rising costs, taxes, and legislation are making it more attractive for landlords to sell.
Mortgage rates: Mortgage rates have spiked and are expected to remain high for longer.
Incentive repeal: The repeal of several incentives has put pressure on the buy-to-let market.
How National Residential Can Help Landlords Sell Property With Minimum Disruption To Rental Income…
Our business is providing our clients with a FAST, SECURED WAY TO SELL PROPERTY AND COMPLETE THE SALE. Typically, the whole process from start to finish takes between 7 – 87 DAYS… i.e. less than 13 weeks.
What’s more, we also specialise in tenant negotiations and selling tenanted property with vacant possession delivered in time for completion to minimise the period a property is not producing rental income to offset running/purchase costs.
…And Sell Property For The Highest Price
Unfortunately, some landlords are forced to sell due to water, fire or criminal damage caused by tenants, weather or disrepair together with a lack of cash to run empty properties and make essential repairs.
Not only do landlords in these circumstances need to sell quickly to avoid losing money buying/running empty property, they also face the prospect of having to sell for less than they paid for the property if the damage renders the property unmortgagable.
As well as specialising in selling property fast, we specialise in selling for the best price.
We have finances available so that we can fix problems ahead of completions using a cash advance on any profit made by the sale so that bidding is open to mortgage lenders as well as cash buyers and the sale price is pushed higher by competing bids.
Our cash advance option can also be used to stop repossession and property being sold at traditional auctions that typically attract cash only buyers and properties often sell for only 70% of their market value.
We have immediate cash advances to :
- Pay for property repairs to prevent properties being unmortgagable
- Stop debt collection processes that could result in your property being sold for 70% of its market value
- Extend leaseholds to avoid limiting your market to people who can pay cash AND afford to extend the leasehold 2 years after purchase
We have a number of options available to sellers from our 7 day sale where we COMPLETE (pay you the cash value) in as little as 7 days to our 28 day sales with cash advance in 28 days or on completion (typically 56 days).
For more information, contact us ASAP on 0800 612 8499 (24/7) to discuss your needs and let us tell you how we can help you sell your property fast for the best price and the least disruption to your rental income.
Benefits In A Nutshell
Reasons Landlords Love Us:
- We Have Extensive Knowledge of Landlord and Tenancy Related Issues : Our CEO David Coughlin manages a significant property portfolio. It is in his personal and professional interest/responsibility to be expert in all existing and planned legislation, frequently experienced problems AND all possible solutions affecting landlords.
- We Help Landlords StreamLine Their Business and Build Funds To Withstand Any Problem: Many landlords are choosing to sell all their properties and exit the PRS altoghter, but there is another way – we will split your portfolio any way you want. We can sell everything together for the most convenience or we can sell properties individually for the best pricce or a mix of both. Or sell some and keep the rest so that you can minimise risk, reduce mortgage costs and build up a reserve to protect your business in any circumstance.
- We Are Experienced Problem Solvers: From liquidating the right assets to pay off huge tax bills that have caught many landlords out (despite our best efforts to warn landlords of the changes in taxation and charges – see our section Landlord Issues) to getting the best price for Buy To Let property (including making essential repairs, arranging vacant possession or extending leaseholds before completion) to making cash available for other investments before completion, we have lots of tried and tested solutions but are also always happy to consider new bespoke options.
- We Have Established Partnerships With The BEST Contractors: Panel solicitors, investors, builders, cleaning/clearance firms etc
- We Provide More After Sales Support: We make it our job to sort out practical, legal and logistical problems then we keep everyone involved in the process informed of all progress or developments to provide our sellers with a single point of contact throughout the process. This is particularly useful for landlords who want to sell multiple properties at once.
- More options: As well as having more sales options, our sellers can choose the BEST bid (not always the highest) and take advantage of other options such as taking a cash advance.
- Faster Completions: Money in the bank sooner!
If you NEED to sell your property quickly – e.g. to raise cash OR to lower overheads OR to ensure you get the best price for a property that is about to be repossessed or you simply WANT to set schedules so you can plan your future with more certainty – especially if you are thinking of selling by any other auction type (online, offline, traditional or modern) WE STRONGLY ADVISE YOU TO TALK TO US FIRST.
We will answer your questions, estimate a realistic selling price, suggest a reserve price and provide a detailed breakdown of all costs or fees so that you can compare our auctions to other auctions. With no obligation to use our services or proceed further, you really cannot lose… if you use our callback form to contact us, we even pay for the phone call!
Know ALL your options – talk to us today.
Buyers pay a non refundable holding deposit to reserve properties and agree to complete in 56 days however completions can take longer depending on seller circumstances and the extent of the problems that need solving during completion.