The latest news that landlords will have to bear the brunt of paying the £33 million cost of the Renters’ Rights Bill has left many wondering whether now is the time to sell up.
For one landlord, it wasn’t worth all the stress and uncertainty of running his property portfolio, and with new regulations on the way, many landlords are simply saying now is the best time to exit the market.
Landlord Sales Agency helped Alasdair sell 35 of his properties in less than 28 days all for the best price.
Alasdair ran a 200+ property portfolio often working 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help his tenants.
He says: “Running a 200+ property portfolio sounds very exotic but in reality, it is very time-consuming.
“We got to the point where I wanted to downsize and do something more manageable.”
Alasdair says that by using Landlord Sales Agency he was able to sell his 35 properties quickly without having to worry about the long wait time.
He says: “Buying a tenanted property means for the buyer they get rental income from day one and for us it means we get rental income until the day of the sale.
“If a tenant doesn’t want to leave the property, it can take a long time to resolve, delaying getting it on the market and advertised. Plus, there’s always uncertainty until the day of completion, which can sometimes take months.
“However, Landlord Sales Agency secured a quick sale for us, eliminating the worry and making the process much smoother.”
We have an extensive private database of over 30,000 buyers who will buy your properties with or without tenants and get text messages to alert them to new properties every time a landlord comes to us to sell.
This dramatically cuts down the time it takes to sell, plus means that you can continue collecting rent all the way up until the actual sale.
Whether you want to sell your entire property portfolio, or partial portfolios in bulk in one go we are here to help.
Alasdair says he will eventually downsize his portfolio and plans to put 20-30 properties on the market in the next 12 months. He appreciates the minimal involvement Landlord Sales Agency offers and says, “They do exactly what it says on the tin.”
He says: “It was such a simple process with a great team who are always on the ball and keep you up-to-date on everything.
“The best thing for me was the ease of the sale, and I still got the rental income until the day of the sale.”
We never compromise on the sale price no matter how much work your portfolio needs. We typically achieve a “goldilocks level” of 85 – 90% of the market value, and for that we cover all the costs and take away all the hassle that comes with selling the portfolio.
You may come across companies claiming to offer 100% of the market value, but there’s usually a long list of hidden costs that come after the sale. That’s not the case with us. It’s what sets us apart.
We do exactly what we say we do selling properties fast and all for the best price.
Alasdair says: “There’s lots of people promising things that never come to fruition but with Landlord Sales Agency you know what you are getting. We’ll be using you again to sell the remainder of the portfolio when the time comes.”
Stop the hassle and uncertainty – contact us to sell your portfolio for the best price.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Phone us now on 0800 6123694 or 01244 341066 any time 24/7 or use our callback form and we will phone you back to discuss your needs and our solutions.