From dwindling profits to tenant pressure groups and legislative interventions – landlords all over the UK have had enough.
In the last month alone, over 200 landlords contacted Landlord Sales Agency to sell their rental properties and they are enjoying a bumper start to the year with demand for homes increased by 13% in January 2025 compared to the same period in 2024.
With The Renters’ Rights bill receiving its 2nd reading in the House of Lords this week (Tuesday 4th Feb) and a staggering 132% increase in housing disrepair claims against landlords over the last 4 years (often funded by the rise in ’no win, no fee’ offers from solicitors who some might say are eager to cash in the never-ending war on landlords), any landlords who want to escape the feelings of persecution need to act fast.
The solution is clear: get out now while you still can and the property market is booming before The Renters’ Rights bill is passed into law.
Continue reading Landlords are rushing to sell while demand for property is high